How to Properly Compost Dog Poop - Harvest Hills USA

How to Properly Compost Dog Poop

  • 3 min read


Who knew that one of the benefits of owning a dog could be turning their poop into rich compost for your garden? That's right, with a little know-how, you can turn Fido's doo-doo into black gold that will help your plants thrive. So if you're ready to start using your pup's poop to fertilize your flowers, read on for some tips on how to compost dog waste.

Why you should compost your dog's poop

Maybe you think that cleaning up after your pup is enough of a chore - why should you also have to compost his poop? But believe it or not, composting your dog’s waste is essential for the environment. Although most pet waste can be safely washed away with water, it can release significant amounts of nitrogen and phosphorous into waterways. These nutrients often cause algal blooms that reduce oxygen levels and destroy aquatic ecosystems. Therefore, before sending your pup’s droppings down the drain, take a moment to think about their long-term impact on the environment. For example, if you have access to a garden bed, consider setting up an area of decomposing pet waste. Not only will this protect water sources from nutrient pollution, but it will also provide invaluable organic material for your plants! Bottom line - composting doggy dung may not be everyone's top priority these days - but maybe we should make it one! By helping out Mother Nature in this small way, we can reap the long-term benefits of a healthier planet.

What you need to compost your dog's poop

Thinking about composting your dog's poop may sound ... well, a bit disgusting. But if you take the right steps, you'll be able to safely turn dog poop into something useful! First and foremost, make sure that your composting bin is far enough away from your home so that any odors don't contaminate the living area. Secondly, pick an area of soil that is far away from where dogs or people will walk. You'll also need some carbon materials such as dead leaves or sawdust to mix with the waste – this helps make sure it decomposes properly. Finally, you'll need to add nitrogen materials such as grass clippings or kitchen scraps. Once all the materials are in place, just wait for nature to do its job - although check on the bin often and move it around occasionally to help increase aeration. With dedication (and a good nose plug), you can easily keep your yard clean while helping Mother Nature! The proof will be in the smiling plants around your backyard!

Do not compost dog poop for food

Contrary to what some uninformed green thumbs may think, dog poop should not be included in a compost pile meant for food production. Sure, it may have started out as organic matter — but the presence of pet waste pollutants like E. coli unfortunately render it an inappropriate addition to your garden. It's also incredibly bad form, not to mention incredibly unsanitary. Best practice is to collect pet waste with biodegradable bags and dispose of it in a special sealed container or the trash can instead. People who are fans of the biodegradable waste bags may bury their poop in a safe location on their property. And if you're willing go a step further, stop by your local waste processing facility and inquire about how they deal with pet waste – ways like centrifuging can make dog poop suitable again for composting! So all pet owners are encouraged to do their research and employ safe composting practices.

Composting your dog's poop is not only good for the environment, but it can also be beneficial for your garden. You will need to make sure that you are using the right type of compost and that you are not composting dog poop for food. There are many benefits to composting your dog's poop, including reducing methane emissions and helping to fertilize your garden. If you follow these tips, you can help reduce your carbon footprint while also improving your garden.

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